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GeoInspirations from Joseph Kerski

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Geography in Everyday Life – Part 2

Geography in Everyday Life – Part 2

By Reginald Golledge This article was originally published at Directions Magazine on March 21, 2001. There are two "geographies" of everyday life. One represents the "incidental" (or "naïve") geographic knowledge that we acquire as we pursue our episodic activities....

Geography in Everyday Life

Geography in Everyday Life

By Dr. Reginal Golledge This article was originally published at Directions Magazine on December 21, 2000. Many geographers today teach and research about concepts that are relevant to everyday life. This geographic knowledge enables us to understand the things we do...

Going Places with GIS and Geography

Going Places with GIS and Geography

By Barbaree Duke This article was originally published at Directions Magazine on November 23, 2011. Learning powered by geography, the thread that ties the world together, can take us places yet to be explored. Students need to understand how place and location impact...